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December 22, 2009


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We're wishing you and yours, the 4 leggeds everywhere, and the world all good things for the new year; prayers, hope and faith enough to KNOW WE CAN make it happen!


Hi Paula! I just found suebeedoo's blog and followed it to yours. :-) I'm not on Facebook anymore so it's nice to be able to keep in touch on the blogs. You are a good person doing great things for these animals.

(KYpaws on MSP/FDI)


Hi Christina! I'm always in and out and mostly, down at the stalls.... hope that you keep checking back in =)

Cynthia Bracewell

Hello. My daughter just came across this post and we got very excited. We adopted a dog named Logan (we are in the Ottawa Ontario region) from a dog rescue organization. Logan (otherwise known as "Bucket") had a sister called "Harlow" who was renamed Starr by the same foster parents who took care of Logan before we adopted him. We've always wondered where Starr was and whether we could see her. They look identical but Logan has a big head. We had him DNA'd and can share his breeds. Logan is also a very high-energy dog and we've been working hard to keep him calm. If by any chance you read this, please let us know if this is the same Starr and whether she is still in the Ottawa area. Is Amber still here? Please share our contact info with her. I'd love to show her pix of Logan.

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